A background must be completed for any family member or friend that would be attending a class or school event that would be participating or assigned the responsible of caring for or the transportation of students not directly in the care of the teacher. (Field Trips)
- A background check will only be conducted every three years on an individual who has already had a check completed. This fits with policies established with other volunteer organizations.
- All new enrolled preschool and day school chaperones must complete a background check before their first event.
- The fee to cover this expense is paid by the school as part of your commitment fee.
Please follow the simple process and register directly with Intellicorp:
Directions for setup:
You will need to go to https://sjsmarysville.quickapp.pro and complete the background check information. Once complete SJLS Staff will process your request. If there is any reason that your background would not clear we will let you know.